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Course Enrollment

Course enrollment for Consent Culture Initiative ... We have several courses you can take in the comfort of your home!

Course Enrollment is done through LearnDash and is considered our lil online University! This page will update as we convert more our in person trainings to digital courses. Everything is the same and you receive a certificate of completion once the final test is finished. We do not store any of your information so be sure to use a proper email in case you need to recover your information.

All of our courses are peer reviewed by experts in the industry to ensure we deliver the best courses possible and maintain accessibility for everyone. Please let us know if you want to be on our list of peer reviewers with some information about you and your qualifications. Although the majority of our peer review team has a degree relevant in the field we value experience over academic credentials due to the nature of the work. Please don’t let a lack of degree discourage you from working with us or applying for that other job. This is our course enrollment page however we do have other courses we will need to review and can always use more eyes.

If you have any questions or issues please email us at info@consentcultureinitiative.com or if you want to join our team please fill out our form here

course enrollment